SearchAssetsRpcInput: {
    after: undefined | Nullable<string>;
    authority?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;
    before: undefined | Nullable<string>;
    burnt?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    compressed?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    compressible?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    conditionType?: undefined | Nullable<"all" | "any">;
    creator?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;
    creatorVerified?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    delegate?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;
    frozen?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    grouping?: undefined | Nullable<[string, string]>;
    interface?: undefined | Nullable<DasApiAssetInterface>;
    jsonUri?: undefined | Nullable<string>;
    limit: undefined | Nullable<number>;
    negate?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>;
    owner?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;
    ownerType?: undefined | Nullable<"single" | "token">;
    page: undefined | Nullable<number>;
    royaltyAmount?: undefined | Nullable<number>;
    royaltyModel?: undefined | Nullable<"single" | "creators" | "fanout">;
    royaltyTarget?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;
    sortBy: undefined | Nullable<DasApiParamAssetSortBy>;
    supply?: undefined | Nullable<number>;
    supplyMint?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>;

Type declaration

  • after: undefined | Nullable<string>
  • Optional authority?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The address of the authority.

  • before: undefined | Nullable<string>
  • Optional burnt?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the asset is burnt or not.

  • Optional compressed?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the asset is compressed or not.

  • Optional compressible?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the asset is compressible or not.

  • Optional conditionType?: undefined | Nullable<"all" | "any">

    Indicates whether to retrieve all or any asset that matches the search criteria.

  • Optional creator?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The address of the creator.

  • Optional creatorVerified?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the creator must be verified or not.

  • Optional delegate?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The address of the delegate.

  • Optional frozen?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the asset is frozen or not.

  • Optional grouping?: undefined | Nullable<[string, string]>

    The grouping (key, value) pair.

  • Optional interface?: undefined | Nullable<DasApiAssetInterface>

    The interface value of the asset.

  • Optional jsonUri?: undefined | Nullable<string>

    The value for the JSON URI.

  • limit: undefined | Nullable<number>
  • Optional negate?: undefined | Nullable<boolean>

    Indicates whether the search criteria should be inverted or not.

  • Optional owner?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The address of the owner.

  • Optional ownerType?: undefined | Nullable<"single" | "token">

    Type of ownership.

  • page: undefined | Nullable<number>
  • Optional royaltyAmount?: undefined | Nullable<number>

    The royalties amount.

  • Optional royaltyModel?: undefined | Nullable<"single" | "creators" | "fanout">

    Type of royalty.

  • Optional royaltyTarget?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The target address for royalties.

  • sortBy: undefined | Nullable<DasApiParamAssetSortBy>
  • Optional supply?: undefined | Nullable<number>

    The supply of the asset.

  • Optional supplyMint?: undefined | Nullable<PublicKey<string>>

    The address of the supply mint.

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